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Writer's pictureTerri Seddon

Reclaiming ritual

Updated: Sep 20, 2024

Into the Wonnangatta - Halloween 2019

Grey sky above snow grass plain. Muggy wind

Blows across endless trees, stretching horizons.

Jinxed already this weekend, pacing across country

We pivot between All Hallows and All Souls Eve.

Descending, air chills, scrub tears our knees.

Fallen figures, limbs broken and leaves tangled

Litter the ground where we must clamber, climb, push––

Picking our way down the faint footpad.

Then rain. Drops slow at first, but already

Big, engorged, deeply wetting. These heavy hits

Clatter my clothing. Drenching wind roars.

Rushing, racing weather curtains me.

At the road, wind and rain become gale. Cars pass,

Pale faces stare, warm behind closed windows as I chill.

Grotesque, grinning, they laugh at my drips and shivers like

Tormenting demons in a wild, wet landscape.

Turning from the road, the last kilometre

Forces tired legs over the hill. I trip over branches,

Slip on stones that roll and slide, and stumble to the creek.

It swells with water, but somehow sings a softer song.

Beyond, a clearing, lurid green, a spot for tents.

Rain still drums my skull, skin trickles, feet squish in wet boots, but

Soulful soggy-scented earth fills my nose. A feather-touch of comfort,

A caress as the pack drops from my draining body.

Then we piece shelter together. Eight hands for each tent,

Our speed and skill thwarting rain. Laughing we push demons away.

With home and hearth re-made, we peel wetness from our skin,

And sleep safe and warm in this underworld.

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