Writing Portfolio and Blog
I have written academic texts since the 1980s when I began asking questions about education, societies and how learning unfolds through nation-states.
This line of inquiry shows the power of words and how places are lived through contexts –– our wordy worlds.
Publication Records
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6554-8347
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1MxVMnsAAAAJ&hl=en
1979-1987 - National contexts and curriculum of education
At Macquarie University, I began to research curriculum studies and then the changing context and consequences of education. My PhD investigated educational change in NSW secondary schooling to understands the crisis and effects of the 1930s depression. In this period I published two books:
Seddon, T. 1993. Context and Beyond: Reframing the Theory and Practice of Education. London: Falmer
Seddon, T. and Deer, C.E. (Eds) 1992. A Curriculum for the Senior Secondary Years in Australia. Melbourne: ACER
1987-2005 – Educational borders and spaces for learning
At Monash University I focused on changing contexts of education and their effects as locales for learning. Projects examined borders: between schools and TAFE, vocational education and training, and national borders, which were melting with globalisation. Key books are:
Seddon, T. & Angus, L. 2000. Reshaping Australian Education: Beyond Nostalgia Camberwell, ACER.
Seddon, T. 1996. Pay, Professionalism and Politics: Reforming teachers? Reforming education? Hawthorne, ACER.
2005-2020 – Emerging educational borderlands where learning is politics
By 2005, my Australian research was globalising in conversation with colleagues at the European Conference on Educational Research. Projects unfolded through my work as a series editor for the Routledge World Yearbook of Education, between 2005 and 2021, and cross-national projects on adult-professional learning. These books examined borderlands and language practices which configured professional’s figured worlds:
McLeod, J. Sobe, N. & Seddon, T. 2018. Uneven Space-Times of Education: Historical sociologies of concepts, methods and practices, 2018 World Yearbook of Education, London, Routledge
Seddon, T. &. Levin, J. 2013. Educators, Professionalism and Politics: Global transitions, national spaces, and professional projects, 2013 World Yearbook of Education, London, Routledge
Seddon, T. Henriksson, L. &. Niemeyer, B. 2010. Learning and Work and the Politics of Working Life: Global transformations and collective identities in teaching, nursing and social work, London, Routledge.
Ozga, J. Seddon, T. & Popkewitz, T. 2006. Education Research and Policy: Steering the Knowledge-Based Economy, London, Routledge.
2020 – to date – Education, uncertain times and dreaming geographies
Since 2020, I have shifted towards cultural historical sociologies and geographies of learning. Some key publications are:
Seddon, Terri, Kostogriz, Alex, Barbousas, Joanna (Eds). 2021.Teacher Education Through Uncertainty and Crisis: Towards Sustainable Futures. London, Routledge.
Seddon, Terri. 2023. Comparative education concepts, methods and practices in the emerging Anthropocene educational space: From ‘measuring the other’ to ‘supporting the other’? Comparative Education, Special issue on Comparative Education Futures. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03050068.2023.2215643.
Niemeyer, B & Seddon, T. (2018) Introduction, Experiencing Europe after the Brexit shock, European Educational Research Journal,17 (6), :757-765. http://doi.org/ 10.1177/1474904118807547
Seddon, T. (2022). Liquid learning: Re-conceiving the lived-in-world, SAGE Handbook of Learning and Work. Margaret Malloch, Len Cairns, Karen Evans, Bridget N O’Connor (Eds). London: SAGE publishing, 158-172.
Seddon, T. (2018). Adult education and the ‘learning turn’, in Marcella Milana, Sue Webb, John Holford, Richard Waller and Peter Jarvis (Eds), Palgrave International Handbook on Adult and Lifelong Education and Learning, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 11-132.